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HHA Guidelines for Host family

This guide serves as a general introduction to Happy Homestay Adelaide (HHA) services and provides an overview of host family expectations and responsibilities. Families wishing to host international students through HHA are required to comply with this guideline. Please read the following information carefully. Once you have understood the contents of this guideline, please sign at the end of the document.


A host family is a vital part of the experience of international students in Adelaide. Host families can offer students a great opportunity to experience a meaningful cultural exchange while also learning and improving their English language skills. The following information provides a guideline and code of conduct expected from host families to enhance a student’s cultural exchange experience in a safe and welcoming home environment.


Moving to another country can be challenging for some students. Some students may experience:

  • Homesickness
  • Language difficulty
  • Challenges making new friends
  • Difficulty interpreting culture-specific social cues
  • Host family conflicts
  • Different rules and expectations from their home
  • Various emotional difficulties

Students experiencing difficulties adapting to their new environment may display the following behaviours:

  • Being uncomfortable communicating in English.
  • Not able to make new friends or engage in school or extracurricular activities.
  • Spending excessive time alone.
  • Calling home frequently or spending too much time online.
  • Becoming irritable or has angry outbursts.
  • Showing signs of anxiety or depression.
  • Not perform well in school.

If you observe these types of behaviours, make an effort to talk to the students or seek help from HHA or the education provider’s International Student Coordinators (ISC). Do not hesitate to contact HHA if you have any concerns regarding your student’s welfare.

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